| 1. | The other two leading job - posting sites , hotjobs , which is owned by yahoo inc . , and 与此同时,另外两家知名的招聘网站hotjobs和 |
| 2. | New york / shanghai ( reuters ) - yahoo inc . is in talks to buy a stake in alibaba . com , the chinese business and consumer e - commerce site , according to media reports 据媒体报道,雅虎(全球著名网络门户网站)正与阿里巴巴,中国的网上购物网站商谈入股的事宜。 |
| 3. | In late march , the world ' s no . 1 web search company announced plans to launch gmail - a service that would offer users 1 gigabyte of free storage , more than 100 times the storage offered by other free services from yahoo inc 于3月底宣布计划推出gmail ,这一服务提供的邮箱容量高达1gb ,是雅虎和msn等免费邮件服务容量的100倍还多。 |
| 4. | Microsoft corp . , yahoo inc . and america online inc . , among others , are currently trying to retrofit the network so e - mail senders can be authenticated - a way to cut down on junk messages sent using spoofed addresses 微软、雅虎、美国在线和其它公司目前正尝试翻新网络系统,使发邮件的人能够被识别,以此来减少通过伪造地址发送的垃圾邮件。 |
| 5. | Beijing - the entrepreneur who runs yahoo inc . ' s china - based web portal has announced a new strategy based on promoting the site as a search engine , saying he ' s ready to spend heavily in a battle with chinese - language search leader baidu . com 经营雅虎中国门户网站的企业家马云宣布:推出促进雅虎中国门户网站作为搜索引擎的新策略,将重兵投入以中文搜索为主的百度公司所占据的搜索引擎战场。 |
| 6. | It also affects only web sites based in china - - including the localized versions of yahoo inc . , google inc . and microsoft corp . ' s msn - - because only the beijing committee ' s sponsors are allowed to use the running - man logo inside china 受影响的将只局限于中国境内的网站? ?包括雅虎、谷歌和微软旗下msn等公司的本地化网站? ?因为只有北京奥组委的赞助商才可以在中国境内使用北京奥运会的会徽图案。 |
| 7. | San francisco ( ap ) - - unable to topple google inc . on its own , microsoft corp . is trying to force crippled rival yahoo inc . into a shotgun marriage , with a wager worth nearly $ 42 billion that the two companies together will have a better chance of tackling the internet search leader 美联社旧金山讯?微软公司单靠自己的力量无法对抗谷歌,因此以价值近420亿美元的要约试图迫使不甚景气的竞争对手雅虎与之联手,以更大的机会战胜谷歌这一互联网搜索引擎的的领头羊。 |